Friday, June 26, 2020

What Is Worldview, Free Essay Sample

What is Worldview The way we perceive the world is major determined by several factors, including our cultural norms, religious beliefs, our social orientation, and levels of education.   Our worldview means how we perceive the world. People have different views about issues and subjects. Our worldview justifies our thoughts and actions.   A persons worldview represents his fundamental beliefs and assumption about the world. Our worldview reflects how we answer big questions like, what is reality, human history, knowledge acquisition, the general nature of human beings, and issues like death. Our worldview as a spectacle Our worldview represents our fundamental beliefs and assumptions about the universe we inhabit. The worldview reflects how we can answer all the big questions like the prime reality, human history, human nature, issues of death from different perspectives. Our worldview shapes and informs our experiences of the world, the worldview are like spectacles with colored lenses, which affect our eyesight. Our worldview, in this case, depends on the color of lenses. We will only define things based on what we see in the lenses. At times, our worldview can be overemphasized, can be distorted or at times, we might not be able to see at all What is reality Based on our levels of knowledge derived from our religious beliefs, many people define reality as having faith. From a Christian point of view, prime reality knows God and purpose.   Based on a Christian context, reality is what human’s value and what makes sense to them.   In this case, reality is derived from our religious beliefs. Christians believe in God as the sources of everything, and through faith, Christians acknowledge Gods work.   According to the Bible. In Colossians 1-16 â€Å"for by him were all things created, that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible. Christians justify their actions using the bible as their main sources of knowledge. However, not everyone believes in God post-modernist defines reality as matter, and something that is visible therefore anything present is real. According to post-modernist anything that produces immediate results is the reality, they do not recognize God as a supreme being. Reality from the post-modernism perspective means the different elements that are interdependent and operate differently.   Anything in the present life is reality because the world keeps on evolving and people are in a temporary state. From a scientific perspective, reality is being autonomous whereby humans and the world are different entities. This means that humans are forced to adapt to nature to survive. What scientist view reality as the process where man operates according to the natural world, humans cannot excel beyond the natural process human existence is dictated by nature. To seek for is guidance while living on earth. Nature is God plans, and human has an obligation to fulfill Gods purpose. Scientists have refuted the claim that God truly exists and form their worldview, nature is the association between unconscious thoughts and reality. Worldview plays an important role in defining important subjects; it shapes what we believe and what we are willing to absorb including how we interpret our life experiences and how we behave when we related to other people.   All our thoughts are determined by our worldviews. Its not surprising to find people who firmly believe in God while others dont, form Christian perspective   human beings   are God making, I refer to the Bible in Genesis 1-26 states that Then God said, Let Us make man in our image, according to our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the sky. Christians believe that all humans are made by God, and God is the creator all human beings. Nature of human beings On the other hand, scientists view, human more like a complex process that emerged through the process of evolution. Humans are intelligent beings that are able to adapt to its environment to survive even in extreme cases. Our worldview has profound implication on how people view themselves and their including the behavior they would consider being right or wrong. The subject of death can be an interesting when analyzed from different worldviews, and pluralist views death as a journey and part of life for them, life is a journey with a beginning and an end. Pluralist believe in life after death and view death as the beginning of new life. A scientist would view death as a process of transformation from one state to the other, which forms part of the evolution process . Post modernist view death as a way of life, and a process all human being must endure. It should be noted that our worldview might not necessarily be right; it is an expression of our beliefs.   Our worldview is deeply embedded in our subconscious, which is then reflected through our actions. Most of the time people argue about how to determine what right from what wrong, different view emerges to try to justify ones actions. From a pluralist perspective, what is right or wrong is determined by human feelings. Knowledge of what is right or wrong How we feel about a person, and his action differentiate right from wrong, what is acceptable to use and makes us feel good can be defined as good. Something that makes us feel bad is wrong. Post-modernist relies on moral laws to differentiate the is right and wrong. Moral laws are specific guidelines that are a set of universal rules applicable to everyone. Therefore, people might defer when it comes to administering punishment to those whom society feel that their actions are contrary to the moral laws. Human history When we define human history, we are likely to see the different   Ã‚  viewpoint; Christians refer to the bible to trace the history of humans.   They believe the Bible was written by ancestors who documents the true account of historical events. Human history from a Christian worldview is about God creating the world. Scientists define human history as cause and effect. In summary, our worldview is greatly influenced by several factors, mostly from our religious beliefs and our experience. Worldview defines the different perspective of understanding other, the word and ourselves and shapes our thinking.

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